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Nurturing Minds, Cultivating Creativity: The Role of Performing Arts in Education at Argo

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” - Albert Einstein 

 This quote highlights the significance of creativity and imagination, which are integral parts of performing arts, in contributing to learning and intellectual development.

At Argo, our educational approach prioritizes the incorporation of diverse art forms within the curriculum. We see the arts as a critical component to each child’s educational experience. By exposing students to various artistic disciplines at all ages, we provide opportunities for them to discover interests they may not have otherwise explored. Whether they develop a passion for a particular art form or not, each experience and opportunity contributes to their personal growth and development in meaningful ways.

When we were founded in 2015 it was important to our mission to find a variety of performing arts classes for our students to engage in. We offer Aerial Arts and dance in preschool to middle school. In elementary school we provide a robust theater program through our partners at the Youth Academy of Performing Arts and this year we were  awarded a $10,000 grant from The Actors Gang to bring a Spanish theater workshop to our upper elementary and middle school students. We also offer extra Spanish art and music programs to students in our lower elementary school, enhancing our Spanish Immersion Program. Our music program in elementary school starts in Kindergarten and grows to four days a week (Five if no field trips) and is taught entirely in Spanish. Students learn to express themselves through song writing and learning a multitude of instruments. Twice a year both preschool through Middle School put on a performing arts showcase for their family and friends. 

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